Roundup: February 19, 2018

In this week’s Roundup!

–10 Year Aussie Study finds no benefit for RLCs–

–Fed Judge Opens MD Speed Cam Secrecy case–

–MD officials admit that longer yellows are safer–

Friday, February 16, 2018
Ten-Year Australian Study Finds Little Red-Light Camera Benefit
Red-light cameras and speed cameras have failed to make South Australian streets demonstrably safer, according to a ten-year study by the University of Adelaide’s Centre for Automotive Safety Research released last week. The report prepared for the South Australian Department of Planning Transport and Infrastructure did come up with the positive conclusions that the government officials sought to support their existing policies, but the underlying data tell a far more disappointing story.

Thursday, February 15, 2018
Federal Appeals Court Laughs At Ex-Redflex Exec Demand For Reward
A three-judge federal panel on Tuesday mocked the notion that the mastermind of a red-light camera bribery scheme is entitled to a multimillion-dollar reward for his efforts. In oral arguments before the Seventh Circuit US Court of Appeals, former Redflex executive vice president Aaron M. Rosenberg insisted that he was entitled to a statutory payment as the whistleblower responsible for exposing the red-light camera corruption in Chicago, Illinois.

Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Federal Judge Opens Inquiry Into Maryland Speed Camera Secrecy
A federal judge will decide whether a Maryland city used excessive fees to discourage release of embarrassing information about its speed camera program in violation of the First Amendment. US District Judge George J. Hazel last week agreed with motorist Eric Wang that discovery was in order to determine whether the city of Rockville denied his freedom of information fee waiver request solely because he intended to use the documents to write an op-ed article opposing speed cameras.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018
Maryland Officials Admit Longer Yellows Reduce Violations
The Maryland General Assembly’s legislative analysts believe a proposal to lengthen yellow signal timing at red-light camera intersections could cost local jurisdictions a lot of money. The non-partisan researchers are tasked with making a cost estimate of newly introduced bills, such as Delegate Marc Korman’s (D-Montgomery County) measure to establish a minimum yellow time of 4.0 seconds at red-light camera intersections.

Monday, February 12, 2018
France, Saudi Arabia: Speed Cameras Stopped
In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, a motorist caught a Saher speed camera van speeding at 160km/h (99 MPH) in a 120km/h (75 MPH) zone on the Huda Al-Sham highway. A video of the incident was posted to YouTube on Tuesday.

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